The Blessed Virgin Mary is particularly fond of the United States, for she granted a great favor to this vast country in the very early days of its development: the Queen of Heaven herself appeared to a young Wisconsin farmer, Adele Brise, in the Great Lakes area! During this apparition, which led to the creation of the only Marian Shrine in the United States, our Heavenly Mother gave advice so precious that it has endured through the centuries and is more relevant than ever…
Accept… and be prepared
Adele Brise, chosen by the Virgin Mary, was born in Belgium in 1831. As a child, she lost an eye in a tragic accident, but she never lost her faith or confidence in the Virgin Mary. Along with some of her friends, she confided her desire to become a nun to the Virgin Mary. Although she would have liked to stay in Belgium, she had to accompany her family as they emigrated to the United States in 1855. To encourage her, her confessor addressed these words to her before her departure: “God willing, you will become a sister in America. Please go. I’ll pray for you.”
Adele Brise accepted this difficult sacrifice and left… At the age of 24, Adele and her family settled in Wisconsin, where they bought fields. Four years later, Adele became a Franciscan tertiary, wearing a habit and living like a nun, even though there was no community there at the time. She was ready for THE meeting…
When the invisible manifests
In 1859, 28-year-old Adele goes to the mill in Champion, near Lake Michigan, carrying a sack of wheat on her head. On the way, she sees a Lady all dressed in white standing between two trees, a maple and a conifer. Adele is frightened and stops. Then the vision slowly disappears, leaving behind a white cloud. Adele hurries home and tells her parents what has happened. They wondered if the apparition might be a soul in purgatory in need of prayers…
The following Sunday, October 9, 1859, Adele took the same road again to go to Mass at Bay Settlement, about ten miles away from home… This time, she was not alone: her sister Isabelle and a neighbor, Madame Vander Niessen, accompanied her. When they arrived near the trees, the same Lady in White was standing there. Once again, Adele took fright, and said, almost reproachfully, “Oh, there’s that Lady again!“
Adele didn’t have the courage to continue. Her two companions saw nothing… except the fear in Adele’s eyes. They waited a few minutes, then Adele told them that the apparition had gone, as it did the first time, leaving a kind of white mist.
In God’s name, who are you?
After Mass, Adele goes to confession and tells the priest what happened. Father William Verhoef encourages her not to be afraid, telling her that if she is a heavenly messenger, she will see her again, and she will not harm her. He advises Adele to ask the Lady, in God’s name, who she is and what she wants from her. Strengthened by these words, Adele sets off again with her two companions.
As they approach the apparition site, Adele catches a glimpse of the beautiful Lady, dressed in dazzling white, with a yellow sash around her waist. Her dress falls to her feet in graceful folds. She wears a crown of stars around her head, and long, wavy golden hair. Such heavenly light shines around her that Adele can barely look at her sweet face. Overcome by this celestial clarity and the great beauty of Heaven’s visitor, Adele falls to her knees:
“In God’s name, who are you and what do you want from me?” asks Adele.
Our Lady replies:
“I’m the Queen of Heaven who prays for the conversion of sinners, and I want you to do the same. You received Holy Communion this morning and that’s good, but you need to do more. Make a general confession and offer your Communion for the conversion of sinners. If they don’t convert and do penance, my Son will be obliged to punish them.“
“Adele, who is she?” asks one of her companions.
“Why can’t we see her as you do?” asks the other, with tears in her eyes.
“The Lady says she is the Queen of Heaven“.
Then the Virgin looks at the young woman’s friends and says: “Blessed are those who believe without having seen“. (John 20,29)
Teach Children salvation in this Wilderness!
The Lady in White continues:
“What are you doing here in idleness while your companions work in my Son’s vineyard?“
“What can I do, dear Lady?” asks Adele, weeping.
“Gather the children in this wilderness and teach them what they must know for their salvation.“
“But how can I teach them, when I know so little myself?” replies Adele.
“Teach them their catechism, how to make the Sign of the Cross with their hand, and how to approach the Sacraments; that’s what I want you to do. Go and don’t be afraid, I’ll help you.”
Our Lady raises her hands as if imploring a blessing on the people at her feet, then slowly disappears, leaving Adele prostrate on the ground.
A magnificent mission
Adele quickly became obedient to the Blessed Virgin. She teaches the children of her village to pray, to make the Sign of the Cross and to thank the Lord. She even went into families to teach catechism. With an English-speaking companion, Sister Marguerite Allard, she soon hit the road to raise the funds needed to build a school. Adele’s dream came true when other women joined this joyful enterprise, and together they became Secular Franciscan Sisters. Their mission is splendid: to pass on the Faith to children and transform this wilderness into a place of peace!
The only Marian Shrine in the United States: Our Lady of Good Help
In response to the Blessed Virgin’s request, Adele’s father quickly built a makeshift chapel on the site of the apparition. Later, a second chapel was built, along with a convent and school. Today “The National Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help”, located in the town of Champion, still preserves the place where the Blessed Virgin appeared. The Shrine was officially recognized by the Catholic Church on December 8, 2010, the feast of the Immaculate Conception, patron saint of the United States.
Confirmed by many miracles
Sister Adele and her religious community were to suffer trials, persecutions and setbacks. It was then that miraculous events began to take place. Healings took place in the Sanctuary, as evidenced by the large number of walking sticks left in the crypt.
For over 150 years, many believers and non-believers have been making pilgrimages to this sacred site, and the magnificent miracles continue: healings, conversions, reconciliations… One of the most spectacular took place in 1871, when the land around the chapel and the people who took refuge there were spared during one of the deadliest fires in the United States, which ravaged miles of land and killed over 1,000 people. When the “Peshtigo Fire” spread across Wisconsin, reaching Champion’s chapel, the inhabitants walked all night praying their rosary and carrying the statue of the Virgin. The site was miraculously preserved…
A model to imitate
On July 5 1896, Sister Adele Brise spoke her last words: “I rejoice in what has been said to me. We shall enter the house of the Lord. She died the same day, aged 66, and was buried near the chapel.
Today, I invite you to join us here, to enjoy the divine presence of Our Blessed Mother. This national Marian shrine is a place where you can deepen or discover your faith.
On August 15, the Festival of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary is celebrated here with major ceremonies.
Our Lady’s words to Adele Brise are more relevant than ever throughout the world:
“Gather the children in this wilderness and teach them what they must know for their salvation. Teach them to make their Sign of the Cross, and to have recourse to Sacraments. Pray for the conversion of sinners.“